clickjacking attack is used to trick the user into clicking on another website (say website while the user is browsing website Typically this attack is performed by hiding the target website's UI and arranging the visible UI so that the user isn't aware of clicking on the target website.
- The attacker will include the target webiste as an inframe layer on the malicious-website.
- The iframe will be positioned in such a way that there is a precise overlap of iframe and action on malicious-website.
- The opacity value is set to 0.0 so that iframe content is not visible to user.
How to prevent clickjacking attack
- X-Frame-Options : The X-Frame-Options HTTP response header can be used to indicate if a browser should be allowed to render a page in a frame , iframe , embed or object.
- Content Security Policy (CSP) : clickjacking protection can be achieved by incorporating the frame-ancestors directive in the application's Content Security Policy.
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